Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Institution of slavery in the American South of Antebellum Period Essay

The Institution of bondage in the American South of Antebellum Period - Essay Example This barbaric practice embarrassed the oppressed blacks to a degree that they would never delete it from their brains as long as they lived. As indicated by Hunter (73) the genuine image of servitude in Southern America was that of enormous homesteads manors with a great deal of slaves. Actually, subjugation here was regulated were a couple of individuals possessed slaves in their foundations with the point that they give modest work. Very nearly 3/4 of the Southern Americans didn't possess slaves, yet they were unequivocally behind the servitude organization, as much as they didn't profit much from it. In spite of the fact that huge numbers of the Southern whites loathed the benefits delighted in by the couple of individuals who claimed these servitude organizations, they didn't oppose subjugation (Hunter 74). Nonetheless, all they wanted is for them to get a chance of possessing slaves, with the goal that they can likewise appreciate those benefits. Besides, subjection introduced a chance to even the poor whites, of feeling better than the blacks. An incredible number of slaves invest quite a bit of their energy in the cotton estates, doing different exercises (Hunter 74). Every one of these cotton manors had roughly fifty slaves, albeit a few estates which were generally enormous had around a hundred slaves. Various ranches raised a wide scope of money yields, for example, rice, sugarcane and corn, however cotton at time, was the significant money crop. The slaves planted these money crops just as gathering them. Aside from doing these two significant exercises in the homesteads, they likewise cleared land, butchered domesticated animals and fixed structures also (Hunter 74). While dark men slaves were required to be drivers, mechanics and craftsmen, dark ladies were then again expected to think about their masters’ families. There were two fundamental classifications of slaves; the individuals who worked in their masters’ properties and the in dividuals who worked in the fields. Tracker (74) declares that from such arrangement, one may imagine that those working in the homes were generally better than those in the fields. Tragically, that was not the situation since those working in the homes had no protection, worked under their masters’ investigation and could be called for obligation at any rate. By being near their masters’ home slaves framed complex associations with their lords. Offspring of both the white and dark races conceived in such a situation, blended uninhibitedly until they accomplished a particular age when they began understanding what was happening (Hunter 74). The weight control plans of the slaves were lacking, consequently couldn't satisfy their remaining task at hand needs (Hunter 75). Those working in homes however ate nearly better since they could get to their masters’ food stores. The poor eating conditions and the climatic conditions made the captives to be such a great amo unt of inclined to maladies. On falling debilitated the slaves were not given satisfactory treatment and once in a while they constrained into work however wiped out. In spite of the fact that that isn't sufficiently brutal, slaves were continually being sold when they become lacking. This ingrained a consistent dread in them as they could experience the ill effects of being isolated from their families. The ladies slaves likewise experienced sexual abuse, for example, assault. Tracker (75) clarifies further that slaves were rebuffed for working gradually, slighting power or fleeing. Discipline was managed from multiple points of view, for example, detainment, whipping or even

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Slavery and The Making Of America Essay Example for Free

Subjection and The Making Of America Essay Have you at any point considered the express subtleties that went into the formation of America? Bondage and the Making of America, composed by James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton utilizes realities and stories to depict the life of slaves, and the advancement of subjection more than quite a few years, and its impact on America today. The title of this book, Slavery and the Making of America is an extraordinary space into the authors’ fundamental theory of the book; â€Å"Slavery was, and keeps on being, a basic factor in molding the United States and the entirety of its kin. As Americans, we should comprehend slavery’s history in the event that we are ever to be liberated from its consequences,† (Horton). All through the six sections in this book, the authors’ go into express subtleties on what activities from both white Americans and African slaves prompted the Civil War, the cancelation of subjugation and America as it is today. Subjugation and the Making of America is a book part into 6 sections. The book begins by clarifying history about African slaves, and their bringing to America. Africans’ were kept as slaves in the United States for at any rate twelve ages. Subjugation was one of the primary segments that prompted the structure of America. Blessed by the gods white men would purchase captives to take a shot at their manors. Slaves in the long run made a reason for America’s riches as a country, particularly with their work put towards cultivating cotton. This book not just goes into insights regarding the work that the slaves participated in every day that kept America going, yet in addition about the social part of carry slaves into the nation. Bringing African’s over to America carried an entirely different culture to America. Albeit white men oppressed African’s they kept on grasping their way of life. They brought another religion, language, music, and a few aptitudes that have particularly mixed the American cultureâ that it is today. This book shares accounts of African individuals gradually turning out to be African Americans, notwithstanding the conditions that they lived and worked in. It broadly expounds on the logical inconsistency of the American individuals. How could a nation established based on opportunity and fairness for all have faith in bondage and inconsistent treatment of people because of race? This book shares subtleties of white Americans, a great many ages, attempting to accommodate this logical inconsistency, yet being fruitless. Albeit dark individuals were subjugated, they never lost expectation or assurance to satisfy the standards expressed in the establishing records of America. The African Roots of Colonial America, the principal section in this book, mirrors the authors’ primary postulation by inspecting the start of the African slave exchange America. During this time a great many Americans were dispatched over the Atlantic in the biggest constrained movement in mankind's history. During this time hundred of thousands of slaves were sent, and showed up to the new land every year. These slaves were utilized to make a fresher and more grounded worldwide economy, by cultivating cotton, tobacco, and sugar in the Americas. Part two, Slavery: From the Revolution to the Cotton Kingdom shows an alternate point of view of the authors’ proposition. This part goes into more profundity about the American Revolution and the marking of the Declaration of Independence. The authors’ clarify that the white Americans’ had no expectations to remember blacks for the Declaration of Independence regardless of the threatening vibe from blacks, both the individuals who were slaves and the individuals who were free. The American Revolution was a defining moment in bondage. A huge number of slaves ran away to the British, many settling in various nations. Amidst the Revolutionary War, President Jackson searched out to dark soldiers, giving them opportunity from servitude in the event that they endure the war. After the American Revolution, westbound extension was starting to occur. With new innovation of the cotton gin, an ever increasing number of slaves were required in the quest for development. All through this book the authors’ tie in explicit people and occasions that help their theory. A few people who have formed A merican history are referenced in this book including Ellen Craft, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Henry Box’ Brown. The center of this book goes into clarification of criminal slaves and Underground Railroad; â€Å"The terms related with the new railroad turned into the code words utilized by these mystery associations. They called get away from courses rails, safe houses stations, and the criminals themselvesâ passengers or bundles. The individuals who helped criminals called themselves conductors,† (Horton). Pretty much every significant occasion in American history somewhere in the range of 1650 and 1896 had some ramifications with racial imbalance or bondage. The last two sections of the book go into insights concerning the consummation of the Civil War and the last long periods of servitude in America. Part 5 investigates the activities of dark Americans during the war that in the end prompted opportunity. Section 6 goes inseparably with the primary proposition of the book, portraying the battle for uniformity everything being equal, explicitly blacks in America. The authors’ t alk about the Emancipation Proclamation, and the â€Å"passing of the thirteenth amendment, accommodating all out abrogation of American Slavery,† (Horton). Despite the fact that subjugation had been annulled, there was still not fairness in the United States, and there would not be for a long while. After some time, racial disparity gradually decreased, through the death of the fourteenth amendment (equivalent citizenship for blacks), the fifteenth amendment (option to cast a ballot), and the Civil Rights Act, which was inevitably revoked in 1883. One of my preferred parts of this book is that there is a partner video and site that praise it well indeed. The site is extremely intelligent and comes directly with the book. It shares individual accounts of the slaves. It likewise has an exceptionally enlightening timetable of occasions that happened more than a few centuries, which is additionally given in the rear of the book. I delighted in that this book and the site not just centered around the work that the slaves did yet their way of life. It indicated what sorts of garments they wore, what kind of music they played and tuned in to. At the point when Africans were first brought to America, they believed constantly in their way of life and where they originated from. One of the establishing standards of the United States is the capacity for various races and ethnicities to meet up and make one America, a mixture. Despite the fact that the prevalent race was white Europeans and still is right up 'til the present time, individuals of all races are allowed to their own way of life. I accept that this book and all the substance that accompanies it is very elegantly composed and exact. I appreciated that this book went to a progressively close to home level and recounted accounts of explicit slaves, and their hardships. The authors’ postulation all through this book is extremely unclear however I think they despite everything give a generous measure of data to back up their proposal, all through the entire book. I concur completely that subjection was one of the most importantâ influential parts of American History. In spite of the fact that I imagine that there was data that the authors’ left out. This book centers dominatingly around the bondage of Africans, despite the fact that numerous different races were likewise sold as slaves all through numerous decades. A huge number of Irish were offered to English pilgrims for a long time, and regularly observed harsher discipline than their African partners. I feel like the validity of the book would go up fundamentally on the off chance that it concentrated on the wide range of servitude, instead of just concentrating on the historical backdrop of subjugation all through African American history. I would put this book on a rundown of must peruses, as it truly shows you the littler, increasingly significant subtleties that assembled an establishment for this nation. By and large I felt that this book was an extraordinary at really expounding on subjection and how significant it really was in the production of America. In spite of the fact that I realized that bondage was a principle part in the United States history, this book was an eye opener, and helped me that practically all to remember the most critical occasions that shape the historical backdrop of this nation were basically based around subjection and the opportunity and fairness everything being equal. Works Cited Horton, James Oliver, and Lois E. Horton. Subjugation and the Making of America. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005. Print. Servitude and the Making of America. PBS. PBS, 1 Jan. 2004. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. .

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Chambana Eateries

Chambana Eateries Hey guys, So after finishing all your finals, and papers, and projects, itd be fair to say that anyone would be pretty keen on just going home and turning their brains off for the next few weeks. Well before you do that or leave the Champaign-Urbana area, I would advise you to take part in some of the local restaurants, in celebration. In my three and half years here, I have enjoyed many of Chambanas diverse food establishments off campus, and I see them as great ways to get away from the normal college diets we stick to, and have a fun time doing so. Here are a few of my favorites! 1.  Dos Reales Mexican Restaurant If youre in the mood for very good authentic Mexican cuisine, look no further. This award winning restaurant will have you thinking that youve driven through Champaign, yet ended up in Cancun! It is definitely several steps up from any of the Mexican restaurants on campus. It is located on North Prospect Avenue. Image found on (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/193795590191200843/) 2. Seven Saints Though a bit on the pricier side, if youre looking for quality sliders, this is what you are looking for. Located right in the middle of Downtown Champaign on East Chester Street, it has an electric that is so different than what most students will get to experience on campus. Image found on (https://www.noshfolio.com/restaurants/97-seven-saints-downtown-champaign) 3. Black Dog By far my favorite restaurant on this list, and one of my favorite eateries overall. This  hometown BBQ leaves nothing but a good word on everyones tongues, with its wide assortment of BBQ essentials. And now that theyve opened a second location, you can enjoy their delicious food without waiting in the lines I had to haha! Located on North Chestnut Street for the Champaign location and North Broadway Avenue for the original Urbana location. Image found on (https://roadtrippers.com/us/urbana-il/food-drink/black-dog-smoke-ale-house?lat=40.80972lng=-96.67528z=5) Well I hope I left you guys with watering mouths, and a little extra motivation to get through your finals, and go out and celebrate! Once again, good luck! Until next time, Kenny Kenny Class of 2016 I’m in the Creative Writing program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m originally from Tampa, Florida, but I’ve been calling Illinois my home since 1998. I’ve lived all over the Northwest suburbs, from Palatine to Lakemoor to where I currently live back home, Mundelein.

Friday, May 22, 2020

European Essay Example for College Students - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1713 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Politics Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? A Case Study of a Narrow Definition of Europe Europeis ringed from Kalingrad in the North, to the Caucasus and Central Asia, tothe Balkans by an arc of danger and instability. (EU Commissioner forexternal realtions Christopher Patten, July 2001). Does this mean that at the present time Europe and the European are one and the same thing? Introduction: The European or EU citizen is at the present time becoming synonymous with the definition of the point to where the continent of Europe extends. This seems to be the case with the present reaction to enlargement and the focus on crime from outside the borders of the EU and the fears of crime from the newly integrated countries and from those countries that ring the EU. Enlargement will illustrate the new tiered system in the EU, the newly ascended countries from post-Communist countries, which are viewed as not truly European. Therefore this discussion will illustrate how the definition of what Europe is in the 21st Century has been narrowed from the expanse of the European continent to the membership of the EU; whereby countries are aiming to join this political unit in order to gain legitimacy within the global political and economic structure. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "European Essay Example for College Students" essay for you Create order Enlargement A Case Study of a Narrow Definition of Europe: Enlargement of the EU is a mixed blessing, because on one hand it is helping to achieve a status of stability and cohesiveness throughout the region. On the other hand, there are concerns that in making the Union larger will in fact de-stabilize the region. This is due to prejudice of certain groups which would have free access in the region, one such group are the Roma Gypsy migrants from Slovakia. In the past few months the newspapers have displayed the concerns of the British public and politicians about these migrants when the nation joins the EU. Therefore this introduces the question whether the EU really respects the integrity of cultural difference? Other problems include the possible de-stabilizing of the economy by incorporating smaller, less affluent countries; marginal and war torn countries; and transitional countries. These countries could also cause the EU problems in regard to its unique approach of ensuring cohesiveness by using the rule of law, because if th e EU gets too large it may not be possible any longer to ensure its political and legal stability. Therefore the consistency and coherence that the rule of law ensures is no longer apparent due to the sheer size of the Union. Another problem lies in the fact that smaller nations may not have the legal, political and economic clout to ensure that their agenda is considered. Although previously it has been mentioned that the EUs rule of law acts as a check and balance to more powerful nations, in truth the original countries in the EU were mainly ex-colonial empires. The newer nations that are joining the EU are akin to colonies of a colonial power, therefore there is an inherent imbalance in the Union. However in response to the negative effects of the possible de-stabilization of the region, one must consider that in order to join the Union each nation must have fulfilled the Copenhagen Criteria. This criterion states that each joining nation must be: Be a stable democ racy, respecting human rights, the rule of law, and the protection of minorities; have a functioning market economy; adopt the common rules, standards and policies that make up the body of EU law. The EU paints a very enthusiastic picture of enlargement, where the only outcome of enlargement is beneficial. In truth this is a very lopsided picture because of the public outcry against the possible immigration into the original EU states. This can be seen in the article by Cathy Newman in the Financial Times: Britain will throw open its doors to workers from the former communist countries joining the European Union on May 1, but those that refuse to get a job will be denied benefits and thrown out, the government has pledged Tony Blair after months of pressure from the Tories and the right wing press over fears of an influx of immigrants from the former Soviet bloc vowed: If they cant support themselves, they will be put out of the country. This article ill ustrates the problems that have occurred within one nation over the policy of enlargement. Although the enlargement is supposed to bring together the European region, the public opinion of at least one EU nation is resisting the expansion, in relation to economic migrants migrants which the nation has traditionally refused asylum applications. However these fears may be unfounded because as Kraus Schwager argue that increased migration from East to West EU countries would only occur under the fear of rejection to Union membership. In fact they argue that the EUs expansion will have a beneficial effect on the economy of these smaller nations and this will result in a boost of their economies and job market, hence reducing the amount of migrants from East to West. The conclusion of their article they state that: Policy makers who are, for whatever reason, reluctant to accept large numbers of immigrants should not feel troubled with enlargement. On the contrary, the prospe ct of joining the EU may well reduce immigration. The economic and social benefits which probably accrue to Eastern Europe from accession should be presented as a means to reducing the incentives to emigrate. Policies which enhance convergence of income levels in eastern and Western Europe, such as the internal market and, possibly, Structural Funds should be promoted. .. In this process, diverging interests of major EU members have created substantial uncertainty about the date and conditions of accession. It is quite plausible that such uncertainty has raised the fear among potential migrants that accession may fail or be postponed for a long time. According to our result, this may have increased immediate immigration. Thus, if immigration is not desirable, for future accession rounds a straightforward and predictable negotiation process is to be recommended. Hence Kraus Schwager argue that the fears of the right, which have been fed to the public through the media, conc erning immigration from the East that will de-stabilize the economy, have no place. This is because the possible migrants would prefer to stay in their homeland with a stronger and growing economy rather than move to another nation. However, although these fears may be unfounded the resistance to these new citizens from the Eastern Europe illustrates the possible de-stabilization of the EU politically. In addition to this it causes problems legally because the cornerstone and the uniqueness of the EU lies within the rule of law and one of the most important laws that is upheld is the Free Movement of EU Citizens, which includes their ability to trade, reside and work in part of the EU. Yet, the accession of the new Eastern European nations has heralded blocks to this ability by many of the original and major EU players. In the UK it has caused a debate because the government was going to allow a free movement of possible immigrants but this has been resisted by the right, as well as members of the public. This is illustrated by the arguments of Michael Howard, leader of the Conservative Party: Mr Howard, seeking to make political capital out of Labours discomfort on the issue, will accuse the Government of complacency over the implications of the EUs expansion in May. This comes as the Government sought to play down fears that Britain would be flooded by migrants seeking work in more prosperous parts of the EU. During a high-profile visit to Burnley, the scene of race riots in2001, Mr Howard will demand that Britain copy the transitional arrangements adopted by Germany and France to prevent citizens from new EU members from working there. Mr Howard will say: The Conservative Party has always supported the enlargement of the EU to take in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe. We continue to do so. But he will continue: Almost every other country in the EU has quite rightly taken the precaution of putting in place transitional arrangements to deal with immigration from the accession countries. It is still not too late for the British Government to put in place transitional arrangements as well. If we were in government, we would do so. The Government has approached this problem in typical fashion. First it failed to address it, then it ignored it, now it is claiming to face up to it. In short the cohesiveness that the EU has claimed will occur with the enlargement has not happened in the expected manner. Ever since enlargement there have been a greater amount of problems combating organized crime, because of decreased security, corruption of public officials in favour of organized crime groups in the newly acceded nations and the breaches of human rights in arrests. Therefore this creates problems for combating organized crime with either prisoners being let off on technicalities, the vastness of places to hide decreasing the effectiveness of policing or the police not interested in fighting o rganized crime. Kennedy has commented that the EU is committed to justly and fairly fighting organized crime within the realms of human rights and justice; however its weakness is that it relies only on specific domestic member state intelligence: We are being told that Europol and Eurojust the new European body to strengthen collaboration between justice ministries and prosecution services- will only act on specific intelligence. This is to rely on the integrity of the state and its officials [I]t also means relying on the intelligence of other countries and, as I have said before, we have no idea about how this may be collected and by what standards. Justice does not permit shortcuts, but governments will readily pursue quick and dirty solutions to problems if not kept under scrutiny. Therefore by purely relying on only specific intelligence this will reduce the effectiveness of the fight against organized crime, especially when there is the added problem of corrup t post-communist regimes that have joined the EU after enlargement; whereby the true European, i.e. the EU citizen needs to be protected especially those original member states which define the true Europe.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Impact Of Air Travel On The World Economy - 1546 Words

Over the past few decades, technological advancements in both communication and transportation has led to an era of interconnectedness known as globalization. The emergence of air travel in the late 20th century led to an affordable and time efficient method of transportation. Due to this, air travel quickly arose as an essential factor in the world economy. Following the emergence of aviation, world economies became tied together and utterly dependent on each other. However, the very thing that fuels our globalization is also the very thing that fuels our destruction. Commercial aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions and yet a critical component of the global economic infrastructure. In the last 10 years the rate at which air travel has been increasing has grown at an astonishing rate. Today, the airline industry is responsible for a total of 4.9% of all human-caused climate impacts worldwide, including the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2 , O3, CH4, NOx, H2O vapor, contrails, SO4 and soot. The pace at which we see these adverse effects is very startling yet, business and life is so dependent on air travel. Air travel is essential for large scale institutions and businesses that are relevant on a global scale. The University of Maryland is a perfect example of an institution where air travel is a big portion of its annual carbon emission. Improving plane infrastructure, implementing fuel alternatives, and changing cultural habitsShow MoreRelatedThe Airplane Has Changed The Course Of The Western World Forever888 Words   |  4 Pageshave the time to fall.† The ingenuity of the Wright brothers’ airplane design has changed the course of the Western world forever. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hunters Phantom Chapter 20 Free Essays

string(171) " found out a few days ago that he also attacked me, and stole my brother – the brother I’d never known I had – and took him away and made him a vampire\." â€Å"Cookies,† Alaric said gravely. â€Å"Bonnie thinks she could manage to choke down a few cookies. Just to keep her strength up. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 20 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † â€Å"Cookies, got it,† said Meredith, rummaging in Mrs. Flowers’s kitchen cabinet to find a mixing bowl. She clunked a big china bowl that was probably older than she was onto the counter and checked the refrigerator. Eggs, milk, butter. Flour in the freezer. Vanil a and sugar in the cupboard. â€Å"Look at you,† Alaric said admiringly as Meredith unwrapped a stick of butter. â€Å"You don’t even need a recipe. Is there anything you can’t do?† â€Å"Lots of things,† Meredith replied, basking in the warmth of Alaric’s gaze. â€Å"What can I do to help?† he asked cheerful y. â€Å"You can get another mixing bowl and measure two cups of flour and a teaspoon of baking powder into it,† Meredith told him. â€Å"I’l beat the butter with the other ingredients in this bowl, and then we can put them together.† â€Å"Got it.† Alaric found a bowl and measuring cups and started to measure out the items. Meredith watched his strong, tanned hands confidently leveling off the flour. Alaric had gorgeous hands, she thought. His shoulders were nice, too, and his face. Al of him, real y. She realized she was ogling her boyfriend instead of stirring, and felt her cheeks color, even though no one was watching her. â€Å"Pass me the measuring cups when you’re done with them?† He handed them to her. â€Å"I know something scary’s going on, and I want to protect Bonnie, too,† he said, smiling a little, â€Å"but I think she might be milking the situation a little. She loves that everyone’s pampering her.† â€Å"Bonnie’s being very brave,† said Meredith primly, then flashed him a grin, â€Å"and, yes, she might be milking it.† Matt came down the stairs and into the kitchen. â€Å"I think maybe Bonnie should have some tea when she gets out of her bubble bath,† he said. â€Å"Mrs. Flowers is busy putting protective spel s on the bedroom Bonnie chose, but she said she has a mix of chamomile and rosemary that would be good, and to put honey in it.† Meredith focused on mixing the cookie ingredients together as Matt boiled water and careful y measured dried herbs and honey to make the tea to Mrs. Flowers’s exact specifications. When he final y finished fussing over it, Matt picked up the fragile teacup and saucer careful y. â€Å"Wait, maybe I’d better take the whole pot up,† he said. As he searched for a tray to carry it on, he asked, â€Å"Meredith, are you sure you and Bonnie got everything she might need from her house?† â€Å"She was up there for nearly a half hour. She got everything she wanted,† said Meredith, â€Å"and if we missed anything, I’m sure Mrs. Flowers has some extras.† â€Å"Good,† said Matt, his handsome face intent as he picked up the tea tray without spil ing anything. â€Å"I just want to make sure Bonnie’s okay.† He left the kitchen, and Meredith listened to his footsteps heading back upstairs. Once he was out of earshot, she and Alaric both burst out laughing. â€Å"Yes, she’s definitely milking it,† said Meredith, when she’d stopped giggling. Alaric pul ed her toward him. His face was serious and intent now, and Meredith caught her breath. When they were this close, she could see the hidden flecks of gold in his hazel eyes, and they felt like a secret only Meredith knew. â€Å"I love how you take care of your friend,† Alaric told her, his voice low. â€Å"What I love most is that you know she’s pushing it as far as she can, seeing what you’l do for her, and you laugh, but you’re stil going to give her whatever she needs.† He frowned a little. â€Å"No, that’s not right. I do love how you see the funny side of it, but what I love most is how wel you take care of everyone you can.† He pul ed her closer stil . â€Å"I guess mostly I love you, Meredith.† Meredith kissed him. How could she have worried that Celia would come between them? It was like there had been a mist fil ing her eyes, making it so that she was unable to see the simple truth: Alaric was crazy about her. After a minute, she broke the kiss and turned back to the cookie dough. â€Å"Get a cookie sheet, would you?† she asked. Alaric stood stil for a moment. â€Å"Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he said. Closing her eyes, Meredith summoned al her strength. She had to tel him. She had promised herself she would. He handed her a cookie sheet and she busied herself by scooping spoonfuls of dough onto it. â€Å"There’s something I need to tel you, Alaric,† she said. Alaric froze next to her. â€Å"What is it?† he asked, his voice wary. â€Å"It’s going to sound unbelievable.† He gave a snort of laughter. â€Å"More unbelievable than everything else that’s happened since I met you?† â€Å"Sort of,† Meredith said. â€Å"Or, at least, it’s specifical y about me this time. I’ve been†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was hard to say. â€Å"I come from a family of vampire hunters. Al my life, I’ve been training to fight. I guess taking care of people is a family trait.† She smiled weakly. Alaric stared at her. â€Å"Say something,† Meredith prompted after a moment. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and looked wildly around. â€Å"I don’t know what to say. I’m surprised you never told me this. I thought† – he paused – â€Å"that we knew each other real y wel .† â€Å"My family†¦Ã¢â‚¬  said Meredith miserably. â€Å"They made me swear that I would keep our secret. I never told anybody until a few days ago.† Alaric closed his eyes for a minute and pressed his palms against them hard. When he opened them, he looked calmer. â€Å"I understand. I do.† â€Å"Wait,† said Meredith. â€Å"There’s more.† The cookie sheet was ful , and she cast about for something else to occupy her hands and eyes while she talked. She settled on a dish towel and twisted it nervously. â€Å"Do you remember that Klaus attacked my grandfather?† Alaric nodded. â€Å"Wel , I found out a few days ago that he also attacked me, and stole my brother – the brother I’d never known I had – and took him away and made him a vampire. And he left me – I was only three – some kind of half vampire. A living girl, but one who needed to eat blood sausage and sometimes had†¦ sharp teeth like a kitten’s.† â€Å"Oh, Meredith†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Alaric’s face was ful of compassion, and he moved toward her, hands out. Toward me, Meredith noted. Not away, not afraid. â€Å"Wait,† she said again. â€Å"Elena asked the Guardians to change things to the way they would have been if Klaus never came here.† She put down the dish towel. â€Å"So it never happened.† â€Å"What?† Alaric said, staring at her. Meredith nodded, a helpless, confused smile spreading over her face. â€Å"My grandfather died in a retirement home in Florida two years ago. I have a brother – one I don’t remember, unfortunately – he got sent away to boarding school when we were twelve and joined the military as soon as he turned eighteen. Apparently he’s the problem child of the family.† She took a deep breath. â€Å"I’m not a vampire. Not even a half vampire. Not now.† Alaric was stil staring at her. â€Å"Wow,† he said. â€Å"Wait a minute. Does that mean that Klaus is stil alive? Could he come here, come after your family now?† â€Å"I thought of that,† Meredith said, glad to address the practicalities. â€Å"I don’t think so. Elena asked the Guardians to change Fel ‘s Church so it was as if Klaus never came here. She didn’t ask them to change Klaus and his experience. For him, I think, logical y, he did come here, long ago, and now he’s dead.† She smiled shakily. â€Å"I hope so, anyway.† â€Å"So you’re safe,† Alaric said, â€Å"as safe as a vampire hunter might be. Is that al you needed to tel me?† When Meredith nodded, he reached for her and pul ed her back into his arms. Holding her tightly, he said. â€Å"I would have loved you with sharp teeth, too. But I’m so glad for you.† Meredith closed her eyes. She had needed to tel him, to know how he would have reacted if the Guardians hadn’t changed everything. A great warming gladness spread al through her. Alaric pressed his lips against her hair. â€Å"Wait,† she said once more, and he released her, looking inquisitive. â€Å"The cookies.† Meredith laughed and put them in the oven, setting the timer for ten minutes. They kissed until the buzzer rang. â€Å"Are you sure you’l be okay alone?† Matt asked anxiously, standing by Bonnie’s bed. â€Å"I’l be right downstairs if you need anything. Or maybe I should stay here. I could sleep on your floor. I know I snore, but I’d try not to, I swear.† Bonnie gave him a brave little smile. â€Å"I’l be fine, Matt. Thank you so much.† With one last worried glance, Matt patted her hand awkwardly, then left the room. Bonnie knew he would toss and turn on his own bed, thinking of ways to keep her safe. Probably he would end up sleeping on the floor outside her door, she thought, giving a delighted little wriggle. â€Å"Sleep wel , my dear,† said Mrs. Flowers, taking his place by Bonnie’s bedside. â€Å"I have cast al the protective charms I know around you. I hope you like the tea. It’s my own special brew.† â€Å"Thank you, Mrs. Flowers,† Bonnie said. â€Å"Good night.† â€Å"You are enjoying this way too much,† said Meredith, who came in next carrying a plate of cookies. She was limping, but had insisted that she didn’t need a cane or crutch as long as her ankle was bandaged. In fact†¦ Bonnie took a closer look at Meredith. Her cheeks were flushed, and her usual y smooth hair was a little mussed. I think she’s very glad that Celia’s gone to UVA, Bonnie thought with a smirk. â€Å"I’m just trying to keep my spirits up,† Bonnie said with a mischievous smile. â€Å"And you know what they say: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. My lemonade is having Matt trying to fulfil my every need. It’s too bad we don’t have more boys around here.† â€Å"Don’t forget about Alaric,† said Meredith. â€Å"He helped make the cookies. And he’s downstairs researching everything he can that might be related to this.† â€Å"Ah, everyone catering to me, that’s what I like,† Bonnie joked. â€Å"Did I tel you how much I enjoyed the dinner you made? Al my favorites†¦ it was like my birthday. Or my last meal,† she added more soberly. Meredith frowned. â€Å"Are you sure you don’t want me to stay in here? I know we’ve protected the house as wel as we can, but we don’t real y know what we’re fighting. And just because the last couple of attacks took place in daylight with the whole group around, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the way they have to be. What if whatever this is can get past our defenses?† â€Å"I wil be fine,† said Bonnie. Intel ectual y she knew she was in danger, but oddly, she didn’t feel scared. She was in a house with people she trusted, al of whom were focused wholeheartedly on her safety. Besides, she had a plan for the night – something she couldn’t do if Meredith slept in the room. â€Å"Are you sure?† Meredith fretted. â€Å"Yes,† Bonnie said emphatical y. â€Å"If something bad was going to happen to me tonight, I’d know in advance, right? Because I’m psychic, and I get warnings about things.† â€Å"Hmmm,† said Meredith, quirking one eyebrow. For a moment she looked like she was going to argue. Bonnie kept her gaze firm. Final y, Meredith put the tray of cookies on the table by the bed next to the teapot and cup Matt had brought up earlier, pul ed the curtains across the window, and looked anxiously around to see what else could be done. â€Å"Okay, then,† she said. â€Å"I’l be right next door if you need me.† â€Å"Thanks, Mer. Good night.† As soon as the knob clicked into place, Bonnie lay back in bed and bit into a cookie. Delicious. A slow smile bloomed on her lips. She was the center of attention now, as if she were a Victorian heroine bravely suffering from some kind of wasting il ness. She had been encouraged to pick out her favorite of the boardinghouse’s many bedrooms and had chosen this one. It was a charming room with creamy rose-patterned wal paper and a maple sleigh bed. Matt hadn’t left her side al night. Mrs. Flowers had fussed around her, fluffing pil ows and offering her herbal tonics, and Alaric had been conscientiously researching protection spel s in al the grimoires he could find. Even Celia, who had never been anything but snippy to her about her â€Å"visions,† promised before she left to let her know as soon as she found something helpful. Bonnie turned on her side, inhaling the sweet scent of Mrs. Flowers’s tea. Here in this cozy room, it was impossible to feel like she needed protection, that she could be in danger this very second. But was she? What was the time frame after one’s name was cal ed? After Celia’s name had appeared, she had been attacked within the hour. After Meredith’s had appeared, she hadn’t been attacked until the next day. Maybe things were getting more spaced out. Maybe Bonnie wasn’t going to be in danger until tomorrow or the next day. Or next week. And Damon’s name had appeared before Bonnie’s did. Bonnie’s skin tingled at the thought of Damon’s name in lake weeds. Damon was dead. She had seen him die – and in fact he’d died for her (although everyone else, in their compassion for Elena, seemed to have forgotten that). But the appearance of his name must mean something. And she was determined to figure out just what. She listened. She could hear the sounds of Meredith moving around in the room next door with a steady thumping that suggested she was practicing with her stave, and from down below came the faint voices of Matt, Alaric, and Mrs. Flowers talking in the study. Bonnie could wait. She poured herself a cup of tea, crunched on another cookie, and wiggled her toes pleasurably under the soft pink sheets. She sort of liked being a supernatural invalid. An hour later, she had finished her cup of tea and al the cookies, and the house was quieter. It was time. She climbed out of bed, her too-long polka-dotted pajama pants flapping around her ankles, and opened her overnight bag. While Meredith had waited downstairs at her house, she had pried up the loose board by her bed and taken out Traversing the Boundaries Between the Quick and the Dead, a book of matches, a silver knife, and the four candles she needed for the ritual. Now she took them out of her bag and rol ed back the rug by the bed so she could crouch on the floor. Tonight, nothing was going to stop her. She was going to reach Damon. Maybe he could tel her what was going on. Or maybe he was in some sort of danger, in whatever plane dead vampires ended up on, and needed to be warned. In any case, she missed him. Bonnie hunched her shoulders and wrapped her arms around herself for a moment. Damon’s death had hurt her, not that anyone had noticed. Everyone’s attention, everyone’s sympathies, had been directed toward Elena. As usual. Bonnie got back to work. Quickly, she lit the first candle and, dripping wax on the floor to anchor it upright, placed it to her north. â€Å"Fire in the North, protect me,† she whispered. She lit them in widdershins order: black to the north, white to the west, black to the south, white to the east. When the circle of protection was complete around her, she closed her eyes and sat quietly for a few moments, focusing herself, reaching to find the power at her center. When she opened her eyes, she took a deep breath, picked up the silver knife, and quickly, without giving herself time to wimp out, cut a gash across her left palm. â€Å"Ouch,† she muttered, and turned her hand over, dripping blood on the floor in front of her. Then she dabbed the fingers of her right hand in the blood and smeared a bit on each candle. Bonnie’s skin tingled painful y as magic rose around her. Her senses honed, and she could see tiny movements in the air, as if flashes of light were appearing and disappearing just out of sight. â€Å"‘Through the darkness I cal to you,'† she intoned. She didn’t need to look at the book; she had memorized this part. â€Å"‘With my blood I cal to you; with fire and silver I cal to you. Hear me through the cold beyond the grave. Hear me through the shadows beyond the night. I summon you. I have need of you. Hear me and come!'† The room went stil . It was the stil ness of expectation, as if some great creature were holding its breath. Bonnie felt like an entire audience stood around her, suspended in eagerness. The veil between the worlds was about to lift. She had no doubts. â€Å"Damon Salvatore,† she said clearly. â€Å"Come to me.† Nothing happened. â€Å"Damon Salvatore,† Bonnie said again, less confidently, â€Å"come to me.† The tension, the feeling of magic in the room was beginning to dissipate, as if her invisible audience were quietly creeping away. Yet Bonnie knew the spel had worked. She had a funny, blank, cutoff feeling, like when she was talking on the phone and her carrier suddenly dropped the cal . Her cal had gone through, she was sure of it, but there was no one on the other end. Only what did it mean? Was Damon’s soul just†¦ gone? Suddenly Bonnie heard something. A light breathing, just a smidge out of time with her own. There was someone right behind her. The hairs rose on the back of her neck. She hadn’t broken the circle of protection. Nothing should be able to cross into that circle, certainly no spirit, but whoever was behind her was inside the circle, so close to Bonnie that they were almost touching her. Bonnie froze. Then slowly, careful y, she put down her hand and felt for the knife. â€Å"Damon?† she whispered uncertainly. A tinkling laugh sounded behind her, fol owed by a low voice. â€Å"Damon doesn’t want to talk to you.† The voice was honey-sweet, but somehow also poisonous-sounding, insidious and oddly familiar. â€Å"Why not?† Bonnie asked shakily. â€Å"He doesn’t love you,† the voice said in a soft, persuasive tone. â€Å"He never even noticed you were there, unless there was something he wanted from you. Or perhaps if he wanted to make Elena jealous. You know that.† Bonnie swal owed, too afraid to turn around, too afraid to see who the voice belonged to. â€Å"Damon saw only Elena. Damon loved only Elena. Even now that he’s dead and lost to her, he won’t hear you cal ing,† the voice lilted. â€Å"Nobody loves you, Bonnie. Everyone loves Elena, and that’s how she likes it. Elena keeps everyone for herself.† A burning sensation began behind Bonnie’s eyes, and a single hot tear ran down her cheek. â€Å"No one wil ever love you,† the voice whispered. â€Å"Not when you’re standing next to Elena. Why do you think no one ever saw you as anything but Elena’s friend? Al the way through school, she was standing in the sunshine and you were hidden in her shadow. Elena made sure of that. She couldn’t bear to share the spotlight.† The words rattled inside Bonnie’s mind, and suddenly something inside her shifted. The icy terror she’d felt just moments ago had thawed, making way for roiling anger. The voice was right. Why had she never seen it before? Elena was Bonnie’s friend only because Bonnie was a foil for her own beauty, her own sparkle. She had been using her for years without caring how Bonnie felt at al . â€Å"She cares only about herself,† Bonnie said, half sobbing. â€Å"Why can’t anyone see that?† She shoved the book away from her and it knocked over the black candle to her north, breaking the circle. The wick smoked and guttered, and al four candles went out. â€Å"Ahhhh,† said the voice in satisfaction, and tendrils of dark fog began to creep from the corners of the room. Just as quickly as her fear had left her, it snapped back. Bonnie spun around, holding the knife, ready to face the voice, but there was no one there – just dark, amorphous fog. Hysteria wel ing within her, she got to her feet and stumbled toward the door. But the fog moved quickly, and soon Bonnie was enveloped in it. Something fel with a clatter. She couldn’t see more than a few inches. Bonnie opened her mouth and tried to scream, but the fog flowed over her lips, and her scream turned into a muffled moan. She felt her grip on the knife loosen and it dropped to the floor with a dul clank. Her vision grew blurry. Bonnie tried to lift her foot but could barely move. Then, blinded by the fog, she lost her balance and pitched forward into darkness. How to cite The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 20, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pcos Essay Example

Pcos Essay Obesity? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Dr. Sqouras Christal Alfonso Burhan Sadiq In this research paper I will attempt to discuss the causes, symptoms and signs of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, as well as how it is diagnosed and treated. As someone who is suffering from this disease, I found my research to be very informative and educational, raising awareness for my own understanding, and it is my intention to ensure that this same awareness is translated in my research paper. What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, occurs in 5% to 10% of women and is one of the causes of infertility. PCOS is observed by ultrasound as a number of small cysts on a woman’s ovary, and it’s characterized by a constellation of symptoms, and it is with these symptoms can a physician diagnose this disease. The Symptoms of PCOS is generally seen in young adolescent teens with irregular periods, it can also be diagnosed later on in a woman’s life as infertility may be seen. PCOS is not sensitive to one particular ethnicity, as women with all ethnic backgrounds are affected. Some signs and symptoms of PCOS may include menstrual disturbances, elevations of the male androgen hormone, delay of normal menstruation, absence of the menstruation cycle for more than three months. All of these symptoms are related to the absence of ovulation. Other symptoms such as, weight gain, insulin resistance, oily skin, dandruff, skin discoloration, high cholesterol levels, elevated blood pressures may be present in patients who were diagnosed with PCOS. We will write a custom essay sample on Pcos specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pcos specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pcos specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Due to the high levels of androgen hormone, such as testosterone, DHEA’s and androstenedione in the blood that are normally present in men and in women, but in greater amounts in men, patients may have a tendency to become obese, develop greater amounts of fat in the waist, hiristism, acne, and male pattern hair loss. Epidemiology and Mechanism of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome What causes polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? While some geneticists are examining if genetics and gene mutation has some role in the development of PCOS, several studies have shown that PCOS is likely to be the result of both inherited and environmental factors. Woman who are diagnosed with PCOS would have a family history of a mother, sister, grandmother, or aunt with this condition. What happens to the cells, that cause them to become (poly) cystic? The eggs within the ovary are surrounded by millions of hormone producing cells. These cells along with the egg is considered a follicle. These cells within the ovary is responsible for producing estrogen and progesterone, two important hormone, used in ovulation. However, as the egg matures, because of the absence of these hormones, fluid accumulated within the follicle and can be visualized as a small cyst via a transvaginal ultrasound. These cells, under ultrasound, appears enlarged with several tiny follicles filled with androgens. For a woman to ovulate naturally, the cells in the follicle wall must be producing estrogen which is made from androgen by surrounding cells of the follicle. A normal egg within the follicle will yield the cells of the follicle wall to produce estrogen. Unfortunately, if the cells surrounding the follicle beginning to produce androgen, it will interfere with the normal ovulation cycle and the ovary will then stop producing normal amounts of estrogen required for ovulation, instead it will increase production of androgen. Other known causes of PCOS is due to the body’s defects in elevated blood insulin levels (insulin resistance). Insulin plays a key role in ovulation, it stimulates the ovary to produce androgen. Also excessive levels of LH which is released from the pituitary gland in the brain, prevents stimulation of the ovaries to ovulate. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body regulate blood sugar levels. When a patient is insulin resistant in order for you to keep your blood sugar levels in normal limits your pancreas has to keep making insulin to satisfy your body requirements. If your pancreas is not able to keep up with your body’s demand, your sugar level rises and you can become diabetic. If the pancreas can manage with your body’s high demand for insulin your blood sugar levels will remain normal and you would not become a diabetic. Because diabetes and PCOS is closely related it is monitored closely. It is shown that women with PCOS is in much greater risk in developing diabetes. Research has shown that once the pancreatic islet cells have become exhausted and depleted in the over production of insulin to satisfy the body requirements, your pancreas stop making insulin and your blood sugar becomes elevated. When that happens the patient becomes diabetic. Besides diabetes a woman with PCOS is more likely to develop uterine cancer and heart disease. Patients are also advised not to smoke while diagnosed with PCOS because it increases the risk for heart disease. Diagnosis of PCOS If a patient complains with the signs and symptoms previously described along with abdominal pain, amenorrhea, or difficulty to conceive, a physician will take these necessary measures to diagnosing PCOS. During a physical examination, lab work will be ordered such as a fasting lipid profile, a glucose test, hormone levels, and an insulin test. The results will give detail information on hormone levels such as prolactin and thyroid levels, FSH to LH ratio and androgen levels. A transvaginal ultrasound will also be recommended and administered to indicate a pearl-necklace pattern of cysts on some woman’s ovaries. An evaluation of the cyst to see if any of them have ruptured if the woman complains of pain in and around the ovaries and thereby followed on a regular basis. Other lab test that may be included to help diagnose PCOS are: 1. Triglyceride and Cholesterol levels. 2. Chemistry screen to determine the kidney and liver function and their glucose levels. 3. Levels of DHEA’s in the adrenal gland. 4. TSH levels. 5. SHBG A 2 hr glucose tolerance test is administered orally to measure the patient’s glucose levels in a fasting state and after consumption of the drink ontaining 75 grams of glucose. This is a precursor test for diabetes and pre diabetes to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes in pre diabetics. Some doctors may also want to perform an endometrial biopsy to look for signs of precancer or cancer cells. ? Treatment options for PCOS How is PCOS treated? A Physician may prescribe Metformin which is an anti diabetic drug to help lower insulin levels. Evidence now s how that women who were prescribed Metformin as a treatment for PCOS over a period of time, their PCOS may be reversed. Other drugs such as Actos and Avandia have been show to have a dramatic decrease in insulin levels. Actos is prescribed for people who are already diabetic with PCOS. This is especially good news for young teens who were diagnosed early in the stage of PCOS. These medications has shown to prevent the syndrome from developing further and have minimize the consequences of PCOS. Weight loss is a critical and important part of controlling and treating PCOS. Studies have shown that if a women loses 7% of her body weight, her PCOS is controlled and will allow for the resumption of her normal menstrual cycle. Along with a low glycemic diet and weight loss, oral contraceptives have been proven to be a significant option for patients with PCOS. Oral contraceptives, suppresses androgen, and in most cases a patient will experience ovulation immediately after discontinuing the pill. Using oral contraceptive will also help the endometrial lining from becoming too thick, therefore leading to further complications such as cancer. If you are planning on conceiving, your doctor will prescribe for you clomid which lowers your insulin levels and enables stimulations of ovulation. However, there are some consequences in using fertility medications which is multiple births. Other medication that can help with hair loss and acne, are androgen lowering medications such as spironolactone which may help to reduce hair loss, acne and male hair growth. Someone people prefer to approach a holistic treatment to PCOS. Because it’s a chronic illness some patients believe that using oral contraceptive does not contribute to insulin resistance and will not control or treat it. In my research, I found several books on nutrition available for patients that suffer from PCOS. They are, â€Å"The Schwartzbein Principle† by Diana Schwartzbein, â€Å"The Diet Cure† by Julia Ross and â€Å" The PCOS diet Book† by Colette Harris. These books focus on weight loss for women with PCOS along with a diet comprised of proteins, such as fish and meat, which contains excellent sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and has clinically proven to be viable for women suffering from PCOS. Equally important are nuts, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, small amounts of beans and fruits, excluding soy based products. In fact there are several health risks that were found due to the consumption of soy products, such as milk, cheese etc. Along with the soy based products refined carbs such as white flour, sugars and caffeine should be eliminated from the diet. Besides diet, exercise is equally as important. Activities such as swimming, weight training, Yoga, Pilates are shown to not only build muscle but increase your body’s insulin sensitivity. According to the book, studies have shown that women with PCOS should avoid all cardiovascular exercise because it’s shown to raise adrenaline and cortisol levels which contributes to increase insulin levels. According to Dr. Nelson Soucasaux, a gynecologist and the author of Menstruation and Women Health. Herbs helps greatly because they are much more gentle, coats your stomach, have fewer side effects, and last longer than synthetic drugs. Herbs that are common in the treatment of PCOS are: 1. Agnus Castus: This herb has shown to have a direct effect on the pituitary gland, which helps to increase the levels of LH. 2. Black Cohosh: This herb exhibits estrogenic effect which is excellent for treating irregular menstruation and Amenorrhea. 3. Evening Primrose: This herb contains G. L. A and Linolenic acid which have been shown to be an essential source of fatty acids. It is one of the most common herb used in women who has PCOS and fibrocystic breast diseases, and it has also proven to help with acne and improving skin quality. 4. Donq Quai: This is a Phytoestrogenic herb, that is used to nourish liver and endocrine system promoting the treatment of irregular menstruation, PMS and pain caused by PMS and menopause. It is very popular in Western health stores and it is known as a Chinese herb. Along with diet, exercise and herbs, supplements that are rich in B complex, fish oil, GTF chromium are recommended to women who are suffering from PCOS. Metformin is generally recommended along with an oral contraceptive for women suffering from PCOS, it has proven to be more effective, than just masking the problem by using a contraceptive alone.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Latin American Abortions essays

Latin American Abortions essays Latin America and Caribbean nations are estimated to have some of the highest numbers of abortion worldwide, despite also having some of the most restrictive abortion laws. Most of these countries allow abortion only to save a woman's life, and a couple of them prohibit abortion under any circumstances. As a result, abortion is a main cause of maternal mortality, constituting nearly 50 percent of maternal mortality in some countries and 21 percent in the region as a whole. Most abortion procedures are unsafe; an average of one unsafe abortion occurs for every three live births. (Ipas website). A number of different human rights organizations are working with the citizenry, state health departments, and pro-abortion organizations to change the existing laws. In Latin America millions of abortions are performed annually, normally in unsafe and covert conditions. The procedure is done secretly, sometimes by the pregnant woman herself, because they are illegal. Chile and El Salvador impose criminal penalties for abortion in all circumstances including the safety of the mothers life. Nearly every other country in the region has extremely restrictive abortion laws that include exceptions permitting abortion in certain narrow circumstances, such as where the life or health of the woman is in danger, or where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. Cuba, the regional anomaly, has made elective abortion available since the mid-1960s. (Mariner, 2005). The situation in each country is relatively more or less restrictive. For example, in Mexico the situation is even more complicated due to a federal system that places the regulation of abortion in the hands of state governments. Thus, each state is different. Some states have passed relatively progressive laws. Local authorities in Mexico City amended the penal code in 2000 to liberalize abortion rules where the woman's health is at risk or fetal defects exist. It also reduced ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Modern English - Linguistic Definition

Modern English - Linguistic Definition Definition Modern English is conventionally defined as the English language since about 1450 or 1500. Distinctions are commonly drawn between the Early Modern Period (roughly 1450-1800) and Late Modern English (1800 to the present). The most recent stage in the evolution of the language is commonly called Present-Day English (PDE). However, as  Diane Davies notes, some linguists argue for a further stage in the language, beginning around 1945 and called World English, reflecting the globalisation of English as an international lingua franca (2005). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: The Earliest English DictionariesEnglish LanguageThe English Manner of Discourse, by Thomas SpratGlobal EnglishHistory of the English Language: A Mini-AnthologyKey Events in the History of the English LanguageMiddle EnglishNotes on English as a Global LanguageOld EnglishSpoken EnglishWorld English Written English Examples and Observations Old English (used until the 12th century) is so different from Modern English that it has to be approached as we would a foreign language. Middle English (used until the 15th century) is very much more familiar to modern eyes and ears, but we still feel that a considerable linguistic difference separates us from those who wrote in itChaucer and his contemporaries.During the 15th century, a huge amount of change affected English pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, so that Shakespeare would have found Chaucer almost as difficult to read as we do. But between Jacobethan times and today the changes have been very limited. Although we must not underestimate the problems posed by such words as buff jerkin, finical, and thou, we must not exaggerate them either. Most of early Modern English is the same as Modern English.(David Crystal,  Think on My Words: Exploring Shakespeares Language. Cambridge University Press, 2008)   Standardization of EnglishThe early part of the mo dern English period saw the establishment of the standard written language that we know today. Its standardization was due first to the need of the central government for regular procedures by which to conduct its business, to keep its records, and to communicate with the citizens of the land. Standard languages are often the by-products of bureaucracy . . . rather than spontaneous developments of the populace or the artifice of writers and scholars. John H. Fisher [1977, 1979] has argued that standard English was first the language of the Court of Chancery, founded in the 15th century to give prompt justice to English citizens and to consolidate the Kings influence in the nation. It was then taken up by the early printers, who adapted it for other purposes and spread it wherever their books were read, until finally it fell into the hands of school teachers, dictionary makers, and grammarians. . . .Inflectional and syntactical developments in this early Modern English are important, if somewhat less spectacular than the phonological ones. They continue the trend established during Middle English times that changed our grammar from a synthetic to an analytic system.(John Algeo and Carmen Acevdeo Butcher , The Origins and Development of the English Language, 7th ed. Harcourt, 2014) The printing press, the reading habit, and all forms of communication are favorable to the spread of ideas and stimulating to the growth of the vocabulary, while these same agencies, together with social consciousness . . ., work actively toward the promotion and maintenance of a standard, especially in grammar and usage.(Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable, A History of the English Language. Prentice-Hall, 1978) The Normative TraditionFrom its very early days, the Royal Society concerned itself with matters of language, setting up a committee in 1664 whose principal aim was to encourage the members of the Royal Society to use appropriate and correct language. This committee, however, was not to meet more than a couple of times. Subsequently, writers such as John Dryden, Daniel Defoe, and Joseph Addison, as well as Thomas Sheridans godfather, Jonathan Swift, were each in turn to call for an English Academy to concern itself with languageand in particular to constrain what they perceived as the irregularities of usage.(Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, English at the Onset of the Normative Tradition. The Oxford History of English, ed. by Lynda Mugglestone. Oxford University. Press, 2006) Syntactic and Morphological Changes by 1776By 1776 the English language had already undergone most of the syntactic changes which differentiate Present-Day English (henceforth PDE) from Old English (henceforth OE) . . .. Older patterns of word order with the verb at the clause end or in second constituent position had long been replaced by an unmarked order framed by the sequence subject-verb-object or subject-verb-complement. A subject noun phrase was virtually obligatory in simple clauses other than imperatives. Great simplifications had taken place in morphology, so that the noun and adjective had already reached their present, vestigial inflectional systems, and the verb nearly so. The number and frequency of prepositions had expanded greatly, and prepositions now served to mark a variety of nominal functions. Prepositions, particles and other words frequently joined simple lexical verbs to form group verbs like speak to, make up, take notice of. Such formations as the prepositi onal and indirect passives had become commonplace. The complexity of the English auxiliary system had grown to encompass a wide range of mood and aspect marking, and much of its present systemic structure was already in place, including the dummy auxiliary do. Some patterns involving finite and nonfinite subordinate clauses had been rare or impossible in OE; by 1776 most of the present repertoire was available.However, the English of 1776 was linguistically by no means the same as that of the present day.(David Denison, Syntax. The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume 4, ed. by Suzanne Romaine. Cambridge University Press, 1998) Global EnglishAs for the view of English beyond Britain, the tentative optimism of the 18th century gave way to a new view of global English, an outlook in which confidence turned into triumphalism. A turning point in this emergent idea occurred in January 1851 when the great philologist Jacob Grimm declared to the Royal Academy in Berlin that English may be called justly a language of the world: and seems, like the English nation, to be destined to reign in future with still more extensive sway over all parts of the globe. . . . Dozens of comments expressed this wisdom: The English tongue has become a rank polyglot, and is spreading over the earth like some hardy plant whose seed is sown by the wind, as Ralcy Husted Bell wrote in 1909. Such views led to a new perspective on multilingualism: those who did not know English should set promptly about learning it!(Richard W. Bailey, English Among the Languages. The Oxford History of English, ed. by Lynda Mugglestone. Oxford University P ress, 2006)

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Company Closing Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Company Closing Process - Essay Example Basically there are three procedures completed under month-end process: adjustments, calculations and reporting. Adjustment is the first step where necessary amendments are done on the financial data or information already recorded. During the month, the organization earns revenue and incurs expenses and matches the two. This practice, result in differences between the estimated amount and the actual amount of an item (Bosua & Beer, 2009). For example, interest expense incurred on the prevailing firm’s loans increase the amount to be paid (principal and interest). The original amount to be paid was the principal, while the actual amount paid at month end is the principal plus interest. Therefore, adjustment has to be made to reconcile the two amounts. Calculations After the above adjustments are made, the affected individual accounts have to be updated. The amounts for adjustment are calculated and appropriate entries made to the appropriate ledger accounts. For example, in ba nk accounts adjustment calculations, it is started with the opening balance, add on the deposits made and then subtract the debits for that month. The final figure got, reflect the actual cash balance on the bank account as opposed to the opening balance figure. Reporting After ascertaining the actual amounts of each ledger account, the figures are entered into the organizations database. The personnel responsible for the month-end procedures avails several reports reflecting the organization’s financial position in different ways, such as profit and loss statement, to the management. Year end close process The year end process refers to a set of activities the company performs to close financial books, make adjustments, correct errors and produce financial statements such as balance sheet in correspondence with existing rule and regulations such as international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These activities involve several personnel such as accountants, bookkeepers and financial manager working under guidance of senior staff (Warfield, Weygandt & Kieso, 2008). There are four basic activities completed: adjustment entries posting, error correcting, trial balance preparation and financial statement preparation. Under adjusting entries, postings are made to reflect exactly what the company made and spent of the period under review. The adjustments concern prepaid expenses and unearned revenues. Prepaid expenses refer to cash paid by the business in advance understanding that specific tasks will be performed in its favor in the future, whereas unearned revenue refers to the cash money the company accepted promising to provide services or goods at a future date. In correcting errors, the company’s management is able to remove the mathematical imprecision from the book closing mechanism. The errors are a result of regulations changes, numerical incorrectness and poor accounting rules applica tion. This is a vital activity as it is integral to the closing process of the company’s financial statements. Trial balance preparation comes after error corrections and adjustment postings. The trial balance preparation helps managers verify the accuracy of the already completed and closed accounts. The trial balance checks the total debits and credits of all the involved accounts. If the two, total debits and total credits, are equal most likely the accounts are accurate. However, it should be noted

Sunday, February 2, 2020

What are the effects of temperature on electricity demand in Essay

What are the effects of temperature on electricity demand in Sacramento, California in July and August 2008 in the daytime - Essay Example Moreover, positive linear relationships have appeared between the electric consumption and the selected variables of weather conditions. For proper planning of future investments in energy generation sector, policy makers require forecasts of electricity demand. The demand of electricity consumption in California has more than quadrupled since 1960. There are various factors, which are contributing to the increased energy consumption in California such as uncertain regulatory environment, swift population growth and economic growth. Apart from that, climatic change is another factor, which can also influence the electric consumption thereby, affecting the long term planning of electricity supply. Since climatic changes such as lower heating demand and higher cooling demand can directly influence the energy consumption in any economy therefore, this research study will evaluate its effects on energy consumption in Sacramento, California. This research will also assist the policy makers to analyze the extent to which the weather conditions can affect the energy consumption in Sacramento. Therefore, it will be very usef ul to meet the challenge of energy consumption demands in Sacramento. After conducting this research study, the answers to various questions will be achieved such as, what is the impact of weather conditions on electricity consumption? What are the affects of global warming on electricity consumption? The forecasts of electricity demand in an economy are made in consideration to the factors such as technological changes, income of consumers, population growth and prices. However, researchers have found that weather conditions variables should be also used to forecast electricity demand. A huge literature work has been done to study this relationship. In California, the population growth in the hotter interior regions of the state is causing growth in cooling demand, which

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Urbanization Trends In American Cities

Urbanization Trends In American Cities Abstract Americas largest population dwells in town. Intermediate cities are regarded as places that promise sustainability in urban growth. This paper looks at recent urbanization trends in American cities. Privatization of urban planning is challenged by sustainable urbanization. Governmental harmonization lacks in the housing market along with urban growth thus has put stress on natural resources and livability of cities. It is suggested that the housing market ought to be made more striking in order to manage urban growth and prevent a saturate of novel luxurious middle-class homes in the margin. The objective of this question is to examine the reasons as to why people migrate to cities in the United States. This knowledge is used to deal with issues of importance to the Nation, such as quality-of-life, flora and fauna, environmental integrity, water quality and mass concerns, resource accessibility, exposure to natural hazards, atmosphere and terrain value, and ease of access to scientific information. Good record keeping and data generation, and good physical planning are made an integral part of the solution to growth of other urban towns. Introduction United States was predominately rural. In the 19th and 20th centuries, industrial revolution brought about urbanization thus transformed urban life and gave individuals higher expectation to improving their standards of living. . Development of streetcars, trolleys, and railroads enabled city boundaries to expand. Technological innovations in transportation and housing construction, increased number of jobs, and encouraged migration to cities. Urbanization is a process that refers to the change in a country when its rural population migrates to urban areas; the rate at which, the proportion of a region living in towns and cities is growing. Moving in U.S is brought about by issues like employment, shelter, water, social welfare, sewage, political machines, hygiene, role of government, etc. In the United States, even the rural population is urbanized since farmers are more efficient in buying manufactured goods and producing a surplus of materials for selling and a variety of essentially urban services. Urbanization is explained in terms of either push factors- conditions in the place of origin which migrants see as detrimental to their well-being or economic security (high unemployment, political persecution), and pull factors- state of affairs in new places that magnetize individuals to move there (job opportunities, good climate). Urbanization cannot be stopped for it exists and will continue to grow. Literature review The 2005 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects says that the world is expected to continue to urbanize as 60 per cent of the universal population is projected to live in cities by 2030. Urban dwellers increase in number gives the best sign of the scale of these exceptional trends: city populace augmented from 220 million in 1900 to 732 million in 1950, and is projected to reach 3.2 billion in 2005. Brugmann says that more than half of the world now lives in cities. A sustainable future for cities and nations can be achieved by using natural advantages of urban areas with an eye toward how corporate and individuals use and misuse advantages. Globalization and urbanization are connected in that, slums are vibrant and well running economic hubs (David, 2009). Urbanization is a process in which increasing populations of an entire population live in cities and suburbs of cities. In the United States, about 6% of the population lived in cities in 1800, but about 55% of the population lived in cities by 1930. US was urbanizing throughout the 20th century. Research methodology In this section of the research we look at the suggested methods of carrying out the research. This describes and justifies the analysis, and the interpretation of the results. This section also elaborates the sampling, design methods used, nature of the data collected, analysis made on the data and the interpretations and conclusion made. In this search on urbanization-what brings people to cities: various research methods were employed in carrying out the exercise to arrive at a more productive and informative search. One of the methods used in the study is the use of secondary data. However, this information was collected from the recent researches carried out by different interested parties. The other very vital data collection method was from the census information collected and compiled by the State agency responsible with the national statistics and enumeration commission (Beall Sean, 2009). At this stage of data collection it is worth noting that for full and more accurate information to be collected, a proper research design has to be put in place to enable researchers access more information and data as they may need. Data that was collected from the secondary sources was both qualitative (in word or text) and quantitative (numbers and statistics). This data was collected from different sources and at different time. This information was collected through the commonly used primary methods like the questionnaires that were distributed to the people to answer some questions on some particular issues of their concern and the use of interviews that were carried out among the authorities. Observations were also made on the current situation that the women were facing. When checked for accuracy and reliability of the findings, it was found out that the information would stand the test of time as it was reliable and valid. If another research was to be conducted on the same issue, the same results would be obtained. Sampling error was way below the expected minimum threshold and that if triangulation was also carried out; it could be found out that the data collected was accurate and timely (Beall Sean, 2009). After data has been collected it is analyzed, represented and discussed before arriving at the conclusion on the subject matter. Data can however be analyzed in different ways and represented in different forms like diagrammatic forms like the charts, tables and graphs. This analysis can be done in two different form either qualitative data analysis or the quantitative data analysis. These data need to be analyzed in order to obtain information that is usable and useful to the end users. This information irrespective of whether the data was qualitative or quantitative will describe and summarize the data. This information would later be used to forecast outcomes as well as comparing the variables. Diagrammatic representation is considered the best among the other form of representation s as pie charts would be used to represent the number of people who have migrated to cities. Graphs can also be used to compare the current information and the past that was retrieved from the secondary sources. After the results have been found and analyzed, it should be written in a particular format and stored for future reference. This can be done by having all the data arranged in the themes and categories for future reference. When you have the information present it clearly and logically and should have relevance in your research question. Discussion Agriculture and Policies People in the United States live in cities and large metro areas. Cities rather than states increasingly drive national economies. Agricultural products (flowers, coffee), and primary-sector goods (minerals, timber) become natural resource assets that can be traded to strengthen the general economy. Free market economics pursues economic effectiveness to deliver goods at the lowest price possible whereas government intervention diminishes this efficiency by eliminating farm programs such as farm subsidies, cheap credit policies, etc. which is intended to help the farmer, and maintain stable prices. A scenario like this leaves farmers shouldering the burden of farming leaving them with no other alternative other than to sell the land to foreign investors or domestic-owned enterprises, and move to the city, where he hopes for a better life. Congressional maps became more metro and less agrarian, meaning that the interests of metropolitan areas increasingly dominated national policy debates. A budget deficit spurs on economic activity in a time where activity is tremendously slow (Kenneth, 1997). In cities, things like traffic, cost of construction, and green policies begin to matter more to a states overall competitiveness than ever before. The strategy is maintaining urban food prices below market levels to reduce the cost of urban labor and urban life. These policies have made city life more attractive and hence have pulled people from other urban areas. Inadequate compensation of rural producers for the costs incurred to produce food products has aggravated rural poverty. Good infrastructure will mean that there will be no congestion in traffic, easy access to industries, reduced number of accidents, and thus individuals take a short time to get to their work places. Nowadays, trains are the dominant mode of transportation throughout the country. Industrialization on the other hand, gained prominence thus creating a national economy. A fast growing industrial nation was fueled by the natural resources from all parts of the country. Legal Firms Most of the Americans move to Washington, DC the capital of the nation, government dominates the city thus there is a huge legal market; large business; and multitude of institutions, museums, cultural activities, and hot spots in the city. Living in DC means that one is an hour away from the mountains, three hours from the ocean, and the beautiful Potomac River and Rock Creek Park for lovers of nature. A cross-section of society: lawyers, government employees, the homeless, business people, college students, and famous Hollywood actors are found occasionally on the streets. DC has a large population due to its vast availability of resources that enable people to improve their living standards. Job opportunities are also high as compared to other states (David, 2009). Delaware is the second smallest state, but has elegant beaches such as Bethany, Rehoboth, and Dewey are tourist attraction sites. Rehoboth beach has been transformed to a refined, cosmopolitan town which has enabled people to migrate to it as it has valleys like Brandywine which have blooming gardens, tranquil creeks, and mansions like Nemours, Kennett Square, home of the magnificent Longwood Gardens, and decorative arts and landscape. The legal community and the financial services industry are prevalent. Socio-economic changes and Industries Socio-economic changes affecting urban areas involving geographical mobility is enjoyed by the elderly middle-class society segment since they can transfer payments, such as Social Security, leasing or venture money, and corporation pensions away from their communities and splurge it elsewhere. People with helpful skills (service sector of the economy) also enjoy the liberty to move to more enviable places to reside. Areas with natural facilities, such as picturesque vistas, mild winters, and water-related leisure activities, attract countless people (Howard, Judith Peter, 2009). Spatial employment distribution has changed over recent decades. Environs primarily became retail centers. Over time, manufacturing- in terms of production and management-has grown rapidly in uptown and exurban areas. Industries in these areas are characteristically described as being light- are located near hauling or information-based admission points, which are near study facilities and /or main universities or high-tech- led by Microsoft are located in areas with abundant natural amenities. Industry management has left the metropolis center in favor of shared campuses- positioned near freeway interchanges or main airports. Housing and Business opportunities The aspiration for and cost of new housing are factors motivating the spread out and expansion around metropolitan regions. On the periphery of municipal regions, cost of land for new housing construction was less expensive. People who desired new housing to lived farther out from the urban core due to increased suburbanization of employment hence maintaining related commuting patterns of the environs to metropolitan center (Kenneth, 1997). Strict land use regulations in many suburban countries affected housing costs by limiting areas available for development. Las Vegas is well known for its artesian wells. It is a regional center for push and pulling out activities. The Federal Government spurred development as a result of the erection of Hoover block and Nellis Air Base. Gambling is legal, electricity is cheap, and its propinquity to southern Californias growing population fostered a ritzy resort economy. There is an increment in gaming, air, and auto access. Corporate ownership of casinos propelled the capital into a world-class amusement center. Women and Economy Todays women migrate from south to north for work as nannies, domestics, or sex workers. They participate in two sets of dynamic configuration; the global city and survival circuits. There activities implicated in management and coordination of the global economy has expanded, producing a sharp growth in the demand for highly paid professionals. Global cities have turned out to be places where large numbers of underpaid women and immigrants are integrated into strategic economic sectors. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota has a diversified economy and perceived opportunities which continues to attract new residents. Glacial lakes attract development because of their desired natural amenity. A progressive metropolitan farmland protection program vulnerable to voluntary, short-term enrollments was established. Orlando is the trade center to a citrus-dominated agricultural region, construction f the missile/space facility at nearby Cape Canaveral, and the arrival of associated aerospace companies (Patricia Russ, 2008). Houston, Texas a city of big plans and no rules, humidity demands for an ice-cold martini and the biggest liquor store on the planet is found there. Houston is known for its aerospace, its metro area leads the state in employment growth as it has technology and medical companies, its living costs stand well under the general average, prices of housing are half those of other metro areas, and energy capital of the U.S. Its upgrading includes a stretched out convention center, a new arena, a spiffed-up Main boulevard, and a light-rail scheme. This has attracted Fortune 500 companies, couples, and empty nesters. Energy and Habits Elevated energy prices (gasoline) as well as heating oil and ordinary gas-could be the power that brings the ideas of urban planners to conclusion: a greener, more sustainable culture. High energy prices mean more U.S. cities join those ranks, growing thicker with inhabitants, shops, and workers. Gas prices will really take the gleam off the isolated environs. Experts are predicting that city homes could increase charge for being less pricey to heat and cool, their closeness to mass transportation, shops, and employers. The Washington metro area has a lower than average rate of plumpness, low smoking rate, and an average number of persons consuming fruits and vegetables (Patricia Russ, 2008). Recreational community centers and other places are well-endowed. Affluent Boston on the other hand, has a lower smoking rate and state-mandated fitness cover. Economic power used to denote the control of immense human and material possessions, but today it implies the capability to direct the route of skill and a few leaders of important open source projects. Cities provide an audience and a funnel for peers. In something like math or physics, audience does not matters except peers, and judging capacity is amply basic that hiring and admissions committees can do it reliably. In arts or writing or technology fields the larger surroundings matters. It helps to be in a great city: you need the encouragement of sentiments that people around you mind the kind of exertion you do, you have to find peers for yourself, and you need the much larger intake device of a great city (Brugmann, 2005). Conclusion This whole process has been challenging since in some cities people were not co-operating with me for fear of giving out personal information that can land them into trouble. The process involved traveling to various cities, interacting with people of different cultures and backgrounds. United States is one big nation hosting many people who have come from as far as Africa in search of livelihood. Majority of United States residents dont like the idea of staying in one state for a long period of time thus move to other cities. Others move because they want fame while others are in search of their loved ones. My feelings concerning the subject is well rooted on the persons reason for moving. As much as I enjoyed this research am well satisfied with the work done for not only did I get to learn a few new things concerning our nation, but also I answered the question. Research will be conducted on a regular basis since time brings about a lot of changes that affect the movement of people and the population at large. The literature in this case is not wrong as it has answered all the questions that arose during my research. My only question that I did not get an answer to was why people are moving to other cities instead of working to achieve what they lack in their own town for it is not a guarantee that they will get all that they need in that new town. Also, they should be aware of the fact that with time that new place will also encounter its own problems. It means that they will have to move again to another town. Urbanization Trends In American Cities Urbanization Trends In American Cities Abstract Americas largest population dwells in town. Intermediate cities are regarded as places that promise sustainability in urban growth. This paper looks at recent urbanization trends in American cities. Privatization of urban planning is challenged by sustainable urbanization. Governmental harmonization lacks in the housing market along with urban growth thus has put stress on natural resources and livability of cities. It is suggested that the housing market ought to be made more striking in order to manage urban growth and prevent a saturate of novel luxurious middle-class homes in the margin. The objective of this question is to examine the reasons as to why people migrate to cities in the United States. This knowledge is used to deal with issues of importance to the Nation, such as quality-of-life, flora and fauna, environmental integrity, water quality and mass concerns, resource accessibility, exposure to natural hazards, atmosphere and terrain value, and ease of access to scientific information. Good record keeping and data generation, and good physical planning are made an integral part of the solution to growth of other urban towns. Introduction United States was predominately rural. In the 19th and 20th centuries, industrial revolution brought about urbanization thus transformed urban life and gave individuals higher expectation to improving their standards of living. . Development of streetcars, trolleys, and railroads enabled city boundaries to expand. Technological innovations in transportation and housing construction, increased number of jobs, and encouraged migration to cities. Urbanization is a process that refers to the change in a country when its rural population migrates to urban areas; the rate at which, the proportion of a region living in towns and cities is growing. Moving in U.S is brought about by issues like employment, shelter, water, social welfare, sewage, political machines, hygiene, role of government, etc. In the United States, even the rural population is urbanized since farmers are more efficient in buying manufactured goods and producing a surplus of materials for selling and a variety of essentially urban services. Urbanization is explained in terms of either push factors- conditions in the place of origin which migrants see as detrimental to their well-being or economic security (high unemployment, political persecution), and pull factors- state of affairs in new places that magnetize individuals to move there (job opportunities, good climate). Urbanization cannot be stopped for it exists and will continue to grow. Literature review The 2005 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects says that the world is expected to continue to urbanize as 60 per cent of the universal population is projected to live in cities by 2030. Urban dwellers increase in number gives the best sign of the scale of these exceptional trends: city populace augmented from 220 million in 1900 to 732 million in 1950, and is projected to reach 3.2 billion in 2005. Brugmann says that more than half of the world now lives in cities. A sustainable future for cities and nations can be achieved by using natural advantages of urban areas with an eye toward how corporate and individuals use and misuse advantages. Globalization and urbanization are connected in that, slums are vibrant and well running economic hubs (David, 2009). Urbanization is a process in which increasing populations of an entire population live in cities and suburbs of cities. In the United States, about 6% of the population lived in cities in 1800, but about 55% of the population lived in cities by 1930. US was urbanizing throughout the 20th century. Research methodology In this section of the research we look at the suggested methods of carrying out the research. This describes and justifies the analysis, and the interpretation of the results. This section also elaborates the sampling, design methods used, nature of the data collected, analysis made on the data and the interpretations and conclusion made. In this search on urbanization-what brings people to cities: various research methods were employed in carrying out the exercise to arrive at a more productive and informative search. One of the methods used in the study is the use of secondary data. However, this information was collected from the recent researches carried out by different interested parties. The other very vital data collection method was from the census information collected and compiled by the State agency responsible with the national statistics and enumeration commission (Beall Sean, 2009). At this stage of data collection it is worth noting that for full and more accurate information to be collected, a proper research design has to be put in place to enable researchers access more information and data as they may need. Data that was collected from the secondary sources was both qualitative (in word or text) and quantitative (numbers and statistics). This data was collected from different sources and at different time. This information was collected through the commonly used primary methods like the questionnaires that were distributed to the people to answer some questions on some particular issues of their concern and the use of interviews that were carried out among the authorities. Observations were also made on the current situation that the women were facing. When checked for accuracy and reliability of the findings, it was found out that the information would stand the test of time as it was reliable and valid. If another research was to be conducted on the same issue, the same results would be obtained. Sampling error was way below the expected minimum threshold and that if triangulation was also carried out; it could be found out that the data collected was accurate and timely (Beall Sean, 2009). After data has been collected it is analyzed, represented and discussed before arriving at the conclusion on the subject matter. Data can however be analyzed in different ways and represented in different forms like diagrammatic forms like the charts, tables and graphs. This analysis can be done in two different form either qualitative data analysis or the quantitative data analysis. These data need to be analyzed in order to obtain information that is usable and useful to the end users. This information irrespective of whether the data was qualitative or quantitative will describe and summarize the data. This information would later be used to forecast outcomes as well as comparing the variables. Diagrammatic representation is considered the best among the other form of representation s as pie charts would be used to represent the number of people who have migrated to cities. Graphs can also be used to compare the current information and the past that was retrieved from the secondary sources. After the results have been found and analyzed, it should be written in a particular format and stored for future reference. This can be done by having all the data arranged in the themes and categories for future reference. When you have the information present it clearly and logically and should have relevance in your research question. Discussion Agriculture and Policies People in the United States live in cities and large metro areas. Cities rather than states increasingly drive national economies. Agricultural products (flowers, coffee), and primary-sector goods (minerals, timber) become natural resource assets that can be traded to strengthen the general economy. Free market economics pursues economic effectiveness to deliver goods at the lowest price possible whereas government intervention diminishes this efficiency by eliminating farm programs such as farm subsidies, cheap credit policies, etc. which is intended to help the farmer, and maintain stable prices. A scenario like this leaves farmers shouldering the burden of farming leaving them with no other alternative other than to sell the land to foreign investors or domestic-owned enterprises, and move to the city, where he hopes for a better life. Congressional maps became more metro and less agrarian, meaning that the interests of metropolitan areas increasingly dominated national policy debates. A budget deficit spurs on economic activity in a time where activity is tremendously slow (Kenneth, 1997). In cities, things like traffic, cost of construction, and green policies begin to matter more to a states overall competitiveness than ever before. The strategy is maintaining urban food prices below market levels to reduce the cost of urban labor and urban life. These policies have made city life more attractive and hence have pulled people from other urban areas. Inadequate compensation of rural producers for the costs incurred to produce food products has aggravated rural poverty. Good infrastructure will mean that there will be no congestion in traffic, easy access to industries, reduced number of accidents, and thus individuals take a short time to get to their work places. Nowadays, trains are the dominant mode of transportation throughout the country. Industrialization on the other hand, gained prominence thus creating a national economy. A fast growing industrial nation was fueled by the natural resources from all parts of the country. Legal Firms Most of the Americans move to Washington, DC the capital of the nation, government dominates the city thus there is a huge legal market; large business; and multitude of institutions, museums, cultural activities, and hot spots in the city. Living in DC means that one is an hour away from the mountains, three hours from the ocean, and the beautiful Potomac River and Rock Creek Park for lovers of nature. A cross-section of society: lawyers, government employees, the homeless, business people, college students, and famous Hollywood actors are found occasionally on the streets. DC has a large population due to its vast availability of resources that enable people to improve their living standards. Job opportunities are also high as compared to other states (David, 2009). Delaware is the second smallest state, but has elegant beaches such as Bethany, Rehoboth, and Dewey are tourist attraction sites. Rehoboth beach has been transformed to a refined, cosmopolitan town which has enabled people to migrate to it as it has valleys like Brandywine which have blooming gardens, tranquil creeks, and mansions like Nemours, Kennett Square, home of the magnificent Longwood Gardens, and decorative arts and landscape. The legal community and the financial services industry are prevalent. Socio-economic changes and Industries Socio-economic changes affecting urban areas involving geographical mobility is enjoyed by the elderly middle-class society segment since they can transfer payments, such as Social Security, leasing or venture money, and corporation pensions away from their communities and splurge it elsewhere. People with helpful skills (service sector of the economy) also enjoy the liberty to move to more enviable places to reside. Areas with natural facilities, such as picturesque vistas, mild winters, and water-related leisure activities, attract countless people (Howard, Judith Peter, 2009). Spatial employment distribution has changed over recent decades. Environs primarily became retail centers. Over time, manufacturing- in terms of production and management-has grown rapidly in uptown and exurban areas. Industries in these areas are characteristically described as being light- are located near hauling or information-based admission points, which are near study facilities and /or main universities or high-tech- led by Microsoft are located in areas with abundant natural amenities. Industry management has left the metropolis center in favor of shared campuses- positioned near freeway interchanges or main airports. Housing and Business opportunities The aspiration for and cost of new housing are factors motivating the spread out and expansion around metropolitan regions. On the periphery of municipal regions, cost of land for new housing construction was less expensive. People who desired new housing to lived farther out from the urban core due to increased suburbanization of employment hence maintaining related commuting patterns of the environs to metropolitan center (Kenneth, 1997). Strict land use regulations in many suburban countries affected housing costs by limiting areas available for development. Las Vegas is well known for its artesian wells. It is a regional center for push and pulling out activities. The Federal Government spurred development as a result of the erection of Hoover block and Nellis Air Base. Gambling is legal, electricity is cheap, and its propinquity to southern Californias growing population fostered a ritzy resort economy. There is an increment in gaming, air, and auto access. Corporate ownership of casinos propelled the capital into a world-class amusement center. Women and Economy Todays women migrate from south to north for work as nannies, domestics, or sex workers. They participate in two sets of dynamic configuration; the global city and survival circuits. There activities implicated in management and coordination of the global economy has expanded, producing a sharp growth in the demand for highly paid professionals. Global cities have turned out to be places where large numbers of underpaid women and immigrants are integrated into strategic economic sectors. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota has a diversified economy and perceived opportunities which continues to attract new residents. Glacial lakes attract development because of their desired natural amenity. A progressive metropolitan farmland protection program vulnerable to voluntary, short-term enrollments was established. Orlando is the trade center to a citrus-dominated agricultural region, construction f the missile/space facility at nearby Cape Canaveral, and the arrival of associated aerospace companies (Patricia Russ, 2008). Houston, Texas a city of big plans and no rules, humidity demands for an ice-cold martini and the biggest liquor store on the planet is found there. Houston is known for its aerospace, its metro area leads the state in employment growth as it has technology and medical companies, its living costs stand well under the general average, prices of housing are half those of other metro areas, and energy capital of the U.S. Its upgrading includes a stretched out convention center, a new arena, a spiffed-up Main boulevard, and a light-rail scheme. This has attracted Fortune 500 companies, couples, and empty nesters. Energy and Habits Elevated energy prices (gasoline) as well as heating oil and ordinary gas-could be the power that brings the ideas of urban planners to conclusion: a greener, more sustainable culture. High energy prices mean more U.S. cities join those ranks, growing thicker with inhabitants, shops, and workers. Gas prices will really take the gleam off the isolated environs. Experts are predicting that city homes could increase charge for being less pricey to heat and cool, their closeness to mass transportation, shops, and employers. The Washington metro area has a lower than average rate of plumpness, low smoking rate, and an average number of persons consuming fruits and vegetables (Patricia Russ, 2008). Recreational community centers and other places are well-endowed. Affluent Boston on the other hand, has a lower smoking rate and state-mandated fitness cover. Economic power used to denote the control of immense human and material possessions, but today it implies the capability to direct the route of skill and a few leaders of important open source projects. Cities provide an audience and a funnel for peers. In something like math or physics, audience does not matters except peers, and judging capacity is amply basic that hiring and admissions committees can do it reliably. In arts or writing or technology fields the larger surroundings matters. It helps to be in a great city: you need the encouragement of sentiments that people around you mind the kind of exertion you do, you have to find peers for yourself, and you need the much larger intake device of a great city (Brugmann, 2005). Conclusion This whole process has been challenging since in some cities people were not co-operating with me for fear of giving out personal information that can land them into trouble. The process involved traveling to various cities, interacting with people of different cultures and backgrounds. United States is one big nation hosting many people who have come from as far as Africa in search of livelihood. Majority of United States residents dont like the idea of staying in one state for a long period of time thus move to other cities. Others move because they want fame while others are in search of their loved ones. My feelings concerning the subject is well rooted on the persons reason for moving. As much as I enjoyed this research am well satisfied with the work done for not only did I get to learn a few new things concerning our nation, but also I answered the question. Research will be conducted on a regular basis since time brings about a lot of changes that affect the movement of people and the population at large. The literature in this case is not wrong as it has answered all the questions that arose during my research. My only question that I did not get an answer to was why people are moving to other cities instead of working to achieve what they lack in their own town for it is not a guarantee that they will get all that they need in that new town. Also, they should be aware of the fact that with time that new place will also encounter its own problems. It means that they will have to move again to another town.